Thursday, March 31, 2011

Book Review: What's so great about Christianity

Dinesh D'Souza, a Christian apologist, author and public speaker, published his book "What's so great about Christianity" in September 2007. In his book, he tackled against a lot of famous atheist books by authors such as: Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Victor J. Stenger. D'Souza deeply explored the topic of Christianity from both atheist/theist point of views. Therefore, each chapter follows a similar structure: he usually starts each chapter of the book by stating the case of atheism, and then debate for the case for Christianity.

In this book, D'Souza covered a diverse topics of discussions, for example: the modern prejudice against Christianity in the western culture, the myth that modern science has replaced God, to philosophical debates. My favorite parts are the modern science and philosophy sections. In the modern science section, D'Souza debunked the myth that science and Christianity are incompatible, by pointing out that modern science actually has a root in Christianity. In "the argument from design" section, D'Souza, quoting "anthropic principles" and argued that the latest scientific findings actually support the case for the existence of God rather than disproving it. D'Souza criticized Darwinian evolution. but left the possibility for theist evolution. D'Souza also used a handful of famous philosophical arguments such as: Kant's Enlightenment Fallacy, Pascal's Wager, and Hume's case against miracles to debate for the case of Christianity.

I read this book more than 2 years ago, and I have to say that D'Souza did a great job at debunking a lot of the atheist books, and he debated in very intellectual, analytical and logical manners. I think this book really succeeded as a Christian apologetic literature, because D'Souza didn't employ the typical defensive methods, common in many Christian literatures, but instead he met all the atheist or anti-God arguments head on, and defeat them on its own terms, and deployed arguments that are a lot more sophisticated and intelligent than Dawkin's or Hitchen's atheist statements.

If you are looking for a Christian apologetic literature that approaches the topic from a more analytical, factual and logical manner, then this is the book for you.

Rating: 4.5/5

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